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Appearance API

DETAILS: Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate Offering: Self-managed, GitLab Dedicated

The appearance API allows you to maintain the appearance of GitLab as if you're using the GitLab UI at /admin/appearance. The API requires administrator privileges.

Get current appearance configuration

List the current appearance configuration of the GitLab instance.

GET /application/appearance

Example request:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

  "title": "GitLab Test Instance",
  "description": "",
  "pwa_name": "GitLab PWA",
  "pwa_short_name": "GitLab",
  "pwa_description": "GitLab as PWA",
  "pwa_icon": "/uploads/-/system/appearance/pwa_icon/1/pwa_logo.png",
  "logo": "/uploads/-/system/appearance/logo/1/logo.png",
  "header_logo": "/uploads/-/system/appearance/header_logo/1/header.png",
  "favicon": "/uploads/-/system/appearance/favicon/1/favicon.png",
  "member_guidelines": "Custom member guidelines",
  "new_project_guidelines": "Please read the FAQs for help.",
  "profile_image_guidelines": "Custom profile image guidelines",
  "header_message": "",
  "footer_message": "",
  "message_background_color": "#e75e40",
  "message_font_color": "#ffffff",
  "email_header_and_footer_enabled": false

Change appearance configuration

Use an API call to modify GitLab instance appearance configuration.

PUT /application/appearance
Attribute Type Required Description
title string no Instance title on the sign in / sign up page
description string no Markdown text shown on the sign in / sign up page
pwa_name string no Full name of the Progressive Web App. Used for the attribute name in manifest.json. Introduced in GitLab 15.8.
pwa_short_name string no Short name for Progressive Web App. Introduced in GitLab 15.8.
pwa_description string no An explanation of what the Progressive Web App does. Used for the attribute description in manifest.json. Introduced in GitLab 15.8.
pwa_icon mixed no Icon used for Progressive Web App. See Change logo. Introduced in GitLab 15.8.
logo mixed no Instance image used on the sign in / sign up page. See Change logo
header_logo mixed no Instance image used for the main navigation bar
favicon mixed no Instance favicon in .ico or .png format
member_guidelines string no Markdown text shown on the group or project member page for users with permission to change members
new_project_guidelines string no Markdown text shown on the new project page
profile_image_guidelines string no Markdown text shown on the profile page below Public Avatar
header_message string no Message in the system header bar
footer_message string no Message in the system footer bar
message_background_color string no Background color for the system header / footer bar
message_font_color string no Font color for the system header / footer bar
email_header_and_footer_enabled boolean no Add header and footer to all outgoing emails if enabled

Example request:

curl --request PUT --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

  "title": "GitLab Test Instance",
  "description": "",
  "pwa_name": "GitLab PWA",
  "pwa_short_name": "GitLab",
  "pwa_description": "GitLab as PWA",
  "pwa_icon": "/uploads/-/system/appearance/pwa_icon/1/pwa_logo.png",
  "logo": "/uploads/-/system/appearance/logo/1/logo.png",
  "header_logo": "/uploads/-/system/appearance/header_logo/1/header.png",
  "favicon": "/uploads/-/system/appearance/favicon/1/favicon.png",
  "member_guidelines": "Custom member guidelines",
  "new_project_guidelines": "Please read the FAQs for help.",
  "profile_image_guidelines": "Custom profile image guidelines",
  "header_message": "test",
  "footer_message": "",
  "message_background_color": "#e75e40",
  "message_font_color": "#ffffff",
  "email_header_and_footer_enabled": true

Change logo

Upload a logo to your GitLab instance.

To upload an avatar from your file system, use the --form argument. This causes cURL to post data using the header Content-Type: multipart/form-data. The file= parameter must point to an image file on your file system and be preceded by @.

PUT /application/appearance
Attribute Type Required Description
logo mixed Yes File to upload
pwa_icon mixed Yes File to upload. Introduced in GitLab 15.8.

Example request:

curl --location --request PUT "" \
--header "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
--header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
--form "logo=@/path/to/logo.png"

Example response:
